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About Circuville

If we want to build a sustainable world,
you have to consider the whole system.

Circuville was created by Biobased Creations and Studio Goudbaard for PLUS Change: a Horizon Europe funded programme that aims to develop strategies and decision-making processes for land use that effectively address challenges related to climate change, biodiversity, and human well-being.

Biobased Creations, is a creative studio that specializes in installations, projects and storytelling about the transition towards a regenerative and circular world. We consider all aspects of the transition, from green energy to biobased building, from a new economy to social innovations. We are a network of designers, researchers, artists and storytellers that strive for a new ecosystem that is fair and sustainable for man and nature. We work along three programme lines: Materials & Methods, Possible Landscapes and Regenerative City & Infrastructure.

Check out our work and join us for new projects exploring possible futures.

For more about PLUS Change and our other creative productions there, click here.

You can order the poster here!

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Made by Biobased Creations for This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101081464.